6 November 2020

More visibility for women's soccer in exchange for more visibility for your brand. Popular soft drink brand Guaraná Antarctica isn't playing around: they’re making space on 30 million cans for the logos of other brands who are willing to step up (and pay up!) to support women's teams. Ten brands will each get 3 million cans to slap their logo on, as well as being promoted by Guaraná Antarctica to its 15 million social media followers.

The beverage is encouraging followers to tag brands that should get involved, using the hashtag #ApoieOFutFeminino. All money received from participating brands will go directly to a non-profit organisation aimed at training new players. We love how explicit Guaraná Antarctica is being, citing numbers every time they post about the campaign ("Se nossas latas fossem uma cidade, seriam 10x maior que a capital de Argentina — If our cans were a city, they’d be 10x larger than the capital of Argentina").

Female soccer players everywhere are fighting to be treated and paid equally. And as Guaraná Antarctica points out, women aren't just less visible when it comes to their matches being broadcast, but in advertising, too. Which puts them at a distinct financial disadvantage. And which presents a great opportunity for brands around the world to be ballsy when supporting equality, whatever the sport may be.

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The TrendWatching content team

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