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US startup Lia Diagnostics announced the world’s first flushable pregnancy test in December. The over-the-counter test is made from biodegradable materials (no plastic) that can be easily flushed and has a 99 percent accuracy rate. Lia is designed not only to be more environmentally friendly but also provide women with privacy - unlike other pregnancy tests, there’s no fishing this one out of the trash. The test is expected to cost between USD 9 and 22.

We’re a big fan of two birds/one stone innovations here at TrendWatching. First, the Lia team recognized something highly specific that the average consumer wouldn’t: how much plastic waste pregnancy tests alone generate. According to co-founder Anna Simpson, it’s enough to ‘travel from Philadelphia and the Space Station and back seven times’ - an astronomical amount. Second, like all good trend-driven innovations, Lia’s innovative approach taps into an age-old need, here for privacy.

And the deeper insights here? Every object can be improved and brought in line with modern consumer expectations, even pregnancy tests! And while consumers are increasingly valuing FMCG products that don’t destroy the environment (see HANX and Sustain condoms, to name just two), sustainability alone isn’t (usually) enough to be a primary driver for most consumers to really change their behavior. So what other benefits can you tie in?