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UK – Fast-growing, fast fashion retailer ASOS is now selling cosmetics from luxury male beauty and grooming brand MMUK MAN. Available on ASOS from July 2017, MMUK’s products are specially formulated for men and include concealer, ‘manscara’, ‘guyliner’ and beard filler. Just last month, the UK boss of L’Oreal said that male-targeted beauty counters in department stores could be a reality “within five years”, while Euromonitor forecast the global male grooming market will grow from USD 17.5 billion in 2015 to USD 60.7 billion in 2020. 

Regular readers won’t find this that surprising, as we’ve been shouting about the death of traditional demographics for aaaaaaaages. This disruption will not be confined to beauty and fashion. Consumers, in all sectors and all markets, are disregarding convention and embracing newly flexible and fluid attitudes and behaviors around sexuality, gender roles and more. Smart brands will help them do so. But if you’re still trying to persuade your leadership team to question their assumptions around your target customers, here’s another example to share with them. You’re welcome ;) 💅

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