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Emojicon, a summit for the emoji fan community, was held this month in Brooklyn. The gathering brought together linguists, artists and technologists to explore how emojis impact the way we communicate. One key focus was a discussion around how emoji proposals are submitted to Unicode, an exclusive association that selects emojis, in an effort to see more diverse creators represented. The event additionally featured an emoji art gallery and party.

We’re sure you’re open-minded enough not to have dismissed emojis as novelties, as perhaps some of your colleagues might have done so 😉 Because let’s zoom out and consider what this innovation tells us about people, trends and innovation in general.

Emojis are a powerful demonstration that there are areas of shared global experience. Indeed, emojis are the closest thing we now have to a universal language. Whether you’re from Taiwan or Toronto, you’re (probably) going to interpret 🔥, 😍 or, of course, the classic 🙂 the same way.

Furthermore, consumers’ desire to see themselves in this visual language speaks to the fundamental need all humans have for recognition. This is precisely why all kinds of groups are petitioning to see themselves reflected in emojis. Same-sex couples, redheads and even bald people were recently granted representation. Having a place in the emoji library – be you 👧🏿, 👵 or 👬 – underscores to you (and the rest of the world) that you matter. In other words, emojis can be a vehicle for diversity and tolerance, two imperatives that sadly are in short supply at the moment.

Second, use this example to remind yourself of one of the key principles of trends: successful innovators are constantly thinking about how to cater to people’s basic needs and wants, and alert to sources of change that create new opportunities to do so. No matter how ‘frivolous’ they might appear to some! 💪

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